Site updated Oct. 27, 2023
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Local Elementary School Art Workshops
with Vancouver Artist, Joanne Howard

Workshop Information




Grade K

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7


Booking full for 2023/2024!


New lessons!

Cat copyright Joanne Howard 2023

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sorted by grades


Fees for the 2023/2024 school year are:

$180 per session plus $9 GST.
(I only do Surrey/White Rock & Delta Districts).

The fees including GST work out to
per class

The invoice total for a day of 3 sessions will be $567
(Your school can apply to get back a portion of the tax.)
Partial days are only accepted as part of a larger booking.



The fine print.

Please note: Any drawing or painting lessons can be combined on the same day.
Clay lessons are only available when all classes do clay that day!

Clay tools are in their own enormous & heavy suitcase. I can't bring drawing or painting equipment on the same day as clay tools. Please arrange your days so that ALL clay is on the same day, other media on other days. Thanks!

Normal class sizes ONLY please. No double classes or added students.
Maximum number of students is 30.

If your class has more than 30 students, please contact me.

In the event of school closures, dangerous weather, or Artist Illness, I will make every attempt to reschedule but, as there are sometimes few available dates, the booking may have to be canceled.



Try the free online lessons with your class (links at the top of this page)!
I'd love to hear about & see the results!
